Hybridization Steps

Hybridization step
Click on image to enlarge.
Picture captions (left to right)
1: Intact flower
2: flower with anthers & filament removed
3: pollen applied
4: flower stigma pollinated
1: intact flower
2: flower with anther & filament removed
3: pollen applied
4: procedure completed
1: nude flower
2: pollen applied
3: procedure successful
1: Tag making equipment
Use aluminum soda can
Number each tag consecutively
Be careful–sharp edges!
Tagged plants (flowers) after pollination
Alternative jewelry tags
Vulnerable to weather–numbers & tags disintegrate
1: ripe pods
2: pod harvesting
3: coin envelopes
4: coin envelopes

1: collecting pods
2: collection box
3: full collection box
1: freeze envelopes inside zip-lock bags stored in containers
1: sorting envelopes
2: plant same cross seeds together
Seed Planting
1: empty tray
2: labels
3: planting seeds
4: completed tray


Mylar wall treatment
row 1: copoly on wall (little reflective value)
rows 2 &3: mylar reflective material/
results of replacing co-poly with mylar


row 1: mold growing in seed tray
row 2: fungicide powder applied to seeds; watered in
row 3: seed tray with mold, seed tray with fungicide
1: culling
2: be ruthless
3: be even more ruthless
1: plants ready to transplant out of 7 x 14 (98 cells)
2: partially full
3: transplant tray 5 x 10 (50 cells)
4: gently remove
1: soil on roots
2: wash off roots
3: place in 5 x 10 tray
4: cover with special soilless mix
1: label seedlings
2: finished tray
1: watering trough
2: minimum water level
3: trays in trough
4: mist the top leaves
1: potted up seedlings
2: raised bed seedlings
3: lined out seedlings
4: lined out seedlings
1: seedlings planted 4″ on center
2: seedling bed
3: 6 weeks later